For over the past 17 years I have been helping businesses grow and giving business owners back their life. I am passionate about what I do and I truly believe it is my calling. You see, I believe that people are dying in their business every day, just as my father had at the early age of 62. He never got to enjoy the full fruits of his labor and I see the same pattern arising in many of the business owners I consult with. I am on a mission to change this. My goal is to create businesses that can THRIVE and SURVIVE without the owners, so that they can enjoy their life and make an impact NOW, rather than waiting for someday when the owner can figure it out on their own.
The challenge I have been having is getting my message out there so I can help more people. I realized, rather it was brought to my attention, that there has been a lot of confusion around what it is I actually do. Well I would like to set the record straight and share with you what I have been up to in hopes that this will clarify what it is that I actually do.
I am known for many different things to many different people. Some people still refer to me as "Mr Networker." Understandably so, since I did bring BNI (Business Network International) to Central VA and grew it from 0 to 1600 members in six years, which takes some serious Networking. Well, I sold that business in 2007 so that I could pursue making a bigger difference in the lives of business owners.
Some people know me as the guy that helped them double their income in 90 days, while others know me as the membership expert that helped their association grow their membership. Some only know me as a speaker on various business topics. Some know me as a coach; some know me as a consultant.
But what I am most proud of is my successes with my clients. My clients know me as the guy who helped their company break the million dollar glass ceiling, taking their company from Micro to Millions in a few short years.
So I am a networker, membership growth expert, trainer, coach, speaker, consultant, and often referred to as a drill sergeant by my clients. I am whatever it takes, to achieve my mission.
My mission and my message have never changed, I help create businesses that can THRIVE and SURVIVE without the owners, so that they can have a life, but how I accomplish this may look very different for different people. I am a results kind of guy and I will do whatever it takes to get you the results. If I have to double your income in 90 days, just so you can survive, then I will do it. If you just need to come to one of my talks to get inspired and motivated to get through whatever you are going through, then you better come prepared because I have a lot to say. If you need me to sit with you at 9pm while you drudge through years of back taxes, trying to get yourself caught back up, which I have been known to do, then I will gladly do it. As long as there is pizza and wine involved :-).
If you need me to help you with the heavy lifting that often comes when you are trying to move mountains in your business, then I am that guy. For the past three years I have helped 6 companies nearly double in size and go from Micro to Millions in a few short years. Believe me, there are a lot of mountains that get moved and conquered in that process.
The payoff for me, though, isn't so much about the numbers on the bottom line; it is more about the results of these efforts. I am saving marriages. I'm giving business owners time back to enjoy with their families or to take care of loved ones, without worrying about the business. I am helping people buy their dream homes and putting money away into savings, which they haven't been able to do in years. This is truly my life's purpose.
I have different classes and courses, coaching and consulting that I offer, but they are all designed around one common goal-To get your business to THRIVE and SURVIVE without you so you can have a life.
Why am I telling you all of this now? My calling is speaking louder to me now than ever. People are struggling, they are tired, they are lonely and they are overwhelmed. They are ready to give up. I can't let this happen. So I have been researching, documenting and verifying the processes I take business owners through to create thriving businesses in any economy and I want to share them with world. Scratch that. I NEED to share them with the world!
Over the next few weeks you will see some exciting things happening so I hope you will join me on this journey of helping to create a business that can THRIVE and SURVIVE without you so you can enjoy your life!
Until we speak again, keep doing what you are doing and know that you are making a difference!
Best regards,
Jim Roman
"The more you know,the more you grow!"